How to lose weight in 2 weeks naturally

How to lose weight in 2 weeks naturally

Trying to lose weight naturally is the best way to lose weight in a safe and healthy manner. Natural weight loss comes through a structured weight loss routine that involves making small and healthy changes to diet, lifestyle and exercise patterns. A combination of all these small tweaks help you lose weight in a healthy way. But if you don’t see results despite making all the changes, you need to communicate with an weight loss experts. Before you take up the challenge of slimming down in just 2 weeks, you need to understand what actually causes you to become obese. Some of the most common causes are as follows:

·         Unhealthy eating
·         Overeating
·         Heredity
·         Hormonal imbalances
·         Sedentary lifestyle
·         Stress
·         Alcoholism

Now, let’s read on to understand the steps and strategies you need to adopt to lose weight in 2 weeks…

Watch the diet: Useful Tips

You need to abide by the following dietary measures as part of your 2 weeks weight loss plan:
·         Ditch processed food items completely. Processed food items are high in calories, fat and added sugar and are too very fattening in nature.

·         Single ingredient, whole foods are foods that you should definitely include in your weight loss diet. Such foods induce healthy eating and allow one to adhere to healthy calorie counts along with supplying the body with all the vital nutrients.

·         If you have a habit of snacking between meals, opt for healthy snacking options instead of fried chips and wedges or sugary cookies and candies. The best way to avoid unhealthy snacking is to stock up with only the healthy snack options such as nuts, dry fruits, yoghurt, boiled eggs etc and keep the unhealthy ones out of your house altogether.

·         Added sugar is one of the major weight loss foes that can fail you in your weight loss endeavors. Much of the added sugar is encapsulated in the processed foods we tend to consume. Drop such foods from your eating agenda and eliminate added sugar from your diet.
·         Fizzy drinks, soft cold drinks, chocolate milkshakes etc are often labeled as ‘liquid calories’. These extra sugary drinks will inevitably cause you to pack in lots of extra calories thereby making you fat. So, such drinks are a strict ‘No-No’.

·         Drop all refined carbs from diet. Refining process removes all fibers and nutrients leaving behind only the simple, easily digest-able carbs that often lead to overeating tendencies.
·         Calorie counting is an effective way to limit calorie intake and create the much needed calorie deficit that actually makes you lose your excess pounds. So, while including foods in your diet you must know the calorie content of each food item and count your calories each day. Make sure not to consume calories beyond the permissible limit.

·         Consuming a low carb diet consistently is a great way to drop your extra pounds. So, make sure to consume a low carb diet and you’ll definitely see a positive difference in your body weight.
·         Consuming a high fiber and high protein diet is the best way to turn slimmer as such food items contain very less amount of calories and are digested quite slowly thereby keeping one full for long and curbing hunger pangs like anything.

Here is a sample weight loss diet plan which you can follow in rotation for 2 consecutive weeks in order to lose fat in just two weeks time:
Hours of Day
Day 01
Green tea
Black coffee
Ginger tea
Lemon Tea
Green tea
Green jaggery tea
1 Besan Chila with dhania chutney
Small bowl of Oats porridge
Small bowl of Dalia Upma
1 Veggie Uthappam
Small bowl of Dalia porridge
Ragi Dosa with tomato chutney
1 brown bread toast and 2 boiled eggs
Mid day
Bowl of yoghurt
Fruit salad
Handful of mixed nuts
3-4 Bites of lightly fried paneer cubes
Handful of roasted soya beans
Few bites of dark chocolate
A cup of Raita
A small bowl of brown rice and mixed veggie curry
2 Ragi roti and chickpea curry
A small bowl of brown rice and fish curry
2 whole wheat flour rotis and veggie dal
Small bowl of brown rice and paneer curry
2 multigrain roti and rajma curry
Small bowl of brown rice and chicken curry
A glass of skimmed milk
A handful of roasted almonds
A bowl of steamed yoghurt
An omelet
Handful of roasted chana dal
Boiled black gram salad
A cup of liquid dark chocolate
Baked sweet potato and salad
Roasted chicken and baby corn soup
Lentil soup and green salad
Sautéed veggies and chicken soup
A bowl of cooked chickpea and salad
A bowl of egg bhurji and green salad
A bowl of lightly cooked and sautéed soya chunks and salad

Do the right set of exercises

Exercises can expedite your metabolic rate like anything and can help you burn significant amount of calories. Cardio exercises that elevate your heart rate for a certain period of time lets you burn a huge lot of calories. Some of the best weight loss cardio exercises that can be done simply at home without any equipment are:

·         Walking
Walking is one of the simplest weight loss exercises and can help you burn calories substantially. If you practice brisk walking for about 30 minutes regularly you can lose nearly 150 calories each day.

·         Running
Running at a moderate pace in the outdoors or running on a treadmill is an excellent way to burn fat and calories. So, run, run and run at least for 10-15 minutes daily. You’ll soon find yourself chasing the unwanted fat away from your life!

·         Climbing the steps
Climbing the steps is another simple yet effective fat burning cardio exercise. Climbing steps urges you to pull up your body weight against the gravity and that makes you burn at least 3 times more calories than just brisk walk on a plain surface.

·         Swimming
Swimming is an amazing whole body workout that makes you lose significant amount of calories. For instance, an hr long swimming session can make you lose somewhere between 500 and 700 calories.


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