Exercises to reduce those stubborn hip fat

Exercises to reduce those stubborn hip fat

You must have thought that you need to do hundreds of sit ups and crunches to get strong, ripped abs, while you may build strength, chances are that you will never see a wash board abs unless you lose your stomach fat.  A strong core might help your ability to move easily and perform your daily chores easily.
It is important to keep in mind that no single abdominal exercise will help you get the desired result but what you need is a variety of movement is absolutely necessary.

Nutrition and Exercise Are Needed To Lose Hip Fat

The key ingredient and possibly the most important strategy to lose hip fat are diet and exercise.  The body is a manufacturer of hormones, fat and enzymes. The most important key to your success is diet. If you exercise 7 days a week rigorously but have no control over your diet then it’s all going to waste.

Here are some basic exercises to help you

1.       Crunches

The occupant for the number one exercises in order to lose hip and belly fat are crunches. It burns fat faster with desired results in a few weeks. Do it 10 times if you’re a beginner for two to three sets and increase it with time.

2.       Bicycle Exercise

The floor is your best friend when it comes to exercises, for this particular exercise, you need to lie on the floor keeping your hands behind your head as you do crunches and then lift both the legs and bend them at the knees. Get your right knees close to your chest keeping your left leg away. Repeat the same process with your left leg as if you are paddling a cycle.

3.       Lunge Twist/ Rolling Plank Exercise

This is a workout for beginners who want to reduce belly and hip fat quickly especially the rolling plank which focuses the muscles around your abdomen, hip, and lower back. There are many home based exercises that can be done which will be beneficial to your body but if you don’t have time to do all these then opt for a natural, organic, no side effect slimming pill, Try Nutratimes for an effective weight loss where you can lose upto 7kgs a month without checking on your diet and hitting the gym regularly.

4.       Cut Back on Sugars and Starches
Delete or cut back on those sugars and starch. When you cut on sugary products you hunger level will come down drastically making you eat fewer calories. The best reason for cutting down on carbs is, not only will it lower your insulin level making your kidney to shed excess sodium and water out of the body, reducing bloat and water weight.

5.        Eat Protein, Fat and Vegetables

High-protein diets like beef, chicken, pork, lamb, salmon, rout,, whole eggs with yolk can reduce cravings and obsessive thoughts about food by 60%, reduce the desire for late-night snacking by half, and make you so full that you automatically eat 441 fewer calories per day. Add low carb vegetables like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Kale, Cabbage, Lettuce, and Cucumber. Eat 2–3 meals per day. Don’t hesitate to add a fourth meal if you are hungry.

Follow these procedures and see remarkable results in your body. Not only does it tone your hips but will show result in the abdominal area. Be ready to have that washboard abs in no time. Happy working!!! 
But if your Still looking for weight loss without doing exercise check Nutratimes Garcinia Cambogia Review before you use it 


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